

Joshua Joy, Eric Chung, Zengwen Yuan, Leqi Zou, Jiayao Li, Mario Gerla

Secure social network communication in mobile ad hoc networks. The first Android multi-hop WiFi direct protocol using IPv6.


This paper presents a secure communication application called DiscoverFriends. Its purpose is to securely communicate to a group of online friends while bypassing their respective social networking servers under a mobile ad hoc network environment. DiscoverFriends leverages Bloom filters and a hybrid encryption technique with a self-organized public-key management scheme to securely identify friends and provide authentication. Additionally, DiscoverFriends enables anonymous location check-ins by utilizing a new cryptographic primitive called Function Secret Sharing. Finally, to the best of our knowledge, DiscoverFriends implements and evaluates the first Android multi-hop WiFi direct protocol using IPv6.

PDF arXiv Code Media Media